Mr. Alexis Loeber

Posted by Alex Ognibene

Mr. Alexis Loeber

Mr. Alexis Loeber is an External Relations Official for the European Commission.  Mr. Loeber currently specializes in EU-Canada Relations, and formerly served as the Head of the Yerevan Office of the European Commission Delegation to Georgia and Armenia.  In addition to working for the European Union, Mr. Loeber was previously a Vice President at the Deutsche Bank, and a Relationship Manager for Euroclear.

In Brussels, Mr. Loeber will be speaking to TRN151 about the political and economic relations between Canada and the European Union.  This talk will hopefully provide us with insight into the strategic importance of strong bilateral relations, and highlight some of the cooperative initiatives that are currently underway.  Some important areas of discussion will undoubtedly include the war in Afghanistan, environmental policy, Canada’s global reputation, and the potential for a Canada-EU free-trade agreement.  It will also be interesting to hear Mr. Loeber’s opinion on how Canada should prioritize the agenda for the G-8 and G-20 Summits that will be hosted in both Toronto and Muskoka, Ontario, this summer.

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